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ICSE Class 10 English Literature (Paper 2) Question Paper 2017 With Solution


Question 1: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Why, look you, how you storm!

I would be friends with you and have your love,

Forget the shames that you have stain’d me with,

Supply your present wants, and take no doit

Of usance for my moneys, and you’ll not hear me:

This is kind I offer.

(i) Where does this scene take place? Who is the speaker? To whom is he talking?

(ii) What are the ‘shames’ which the speaker says have stained him?

(iii) What are the ‘present wants’? Who is in need of the ‘present wants’? Why?

(iv) Explain “This is kind I offer.” What does the speaker propose to do immediately after this?

(v) What do you think of Antonio and of Shylock with regard to the signing of the bond?



  • A street in Venice/ a public place in Venice/ Venice
  • Shylock
  • He is speaking to Bassanio and Antonio./ Antonio / Bassanio.

(ii) Antonio had berated [insulted, criticized, mocked, abused]him / at the Rialto for his

usances (practice of taking interest) /called him mis-believer [heathen]/ cut-throat dog/spat

upon his Jewish gabardine[cloak, coat, garment]/void his rheum [spat]upon his beard/spat

on him/ kicked him as he would kick a stray dog [cur].


  • 3000 ducats.
  • Bassanio/ Antonio
  • He needs the money in order to compete with the other suitors / woo Portia / win her hand in marriage / Go to Belmont/ Antonio needs the money to help Bassanio / Antonio does not have the money.


  • Shylock means that it is an act of kindness on his part to make the offer to lend the money.
  • Shylock also means that he was offering an interest free loan like Antonio normally does.
  • Shylock proposes to go to the notary [court, lawyer, solicitor]/ and get Antonio to sign a single bond.


  • Antonio appears to be generous / over-confident / imprudent / very trusting / poor judge of character / has no fear/ confident/ good friend/ noble/ loves Bassanio/ is not astute/ foolhardy/ prejudiced/ anti-Semitic.
  • Whereas Shylock appears to be a villainous person / waiting to take advantage of others who are at a disadvantage / He is shrewd / cunning / crafty person/ who knows how to trap people / down to earth / practical person/ tactful/ hated Antonio/ revengeful/ manipulative/ opportunist/ intelligent/ hypocritical/ cruel/ evil/ far sighted

Question 2: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

PORTIA: To these injunctions everyone doth swear

That comes to hazard for my worthless self.

ARRAGON: And so have I address’d me. Fortune now

To my heart’s hope! – Gold, silver and base lead.

(i) Who had tried his luck in trying to choose the correct casket before the prince of

Arragon? Which casket had that suitor chosen? What did he find inside the casket?

(ii) What are the three things Arragon was obliged by oath to obey?

(iii) What was the inscription on the golden casket? How do the actions of the martlet illustrate this inscription?

(iv) Which casket does Arragon finally choose? Whose portrait does he find inside? Which casket actually contains Portia’s portrait?

(v) Who enters soon after? What does he say about the young Venetian who has just arrived? What gifts has the Venetian brought with him?



  • Prince of Morocco / Morocco
  • The golden casket
  • A carrion death (skull) / there was a roll of paper (scroll) in its hollow eye.


  • He must never tell anyone which casket he had chosen.
  • If he failed in choosing the right casket, he would never woo a maiden in way of marriage / never get married.
  • If he failed to make the right choice he would leave immediately /be gone.


  • Who chooses me shall gain what many men desire.
  • The martlet is like the many men who choose by outward show [show, outward appearance, appearance]/ appearances are deceptive /many means the fool multitude/ they do not see the inner worth of things [pry not to the interior] / they are like the martlet that builds its nest on the outward wall / in the open air/ the nest faces dangers and storms.


  • Silver
  • A blinking idiot / a fool
  • The lead casket


  • A servant / messenger / attendant
  • The young Venetian (Gratiano) has come to announce that his lord (Bassanio) is going to arrive./ he is a suitable ambassador of love/ he is like a beautiful [sweet day] day in April/ that indicates a splendid [costly] summer was approaching./his appearance is pleasing (good looking; handsome)/ has brought gifts/ fore runner [spurrer, herald] comes before his lord.
  • Greetings/ compliments/gifts of rich value from Bassanio./ regards/ courteous breath/ sensible regrets

Question 3: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

DE LEVIS: Social Blackmail? H’m !

CANYNGE: Not at all – simple warning. If you consider it

necessary in your interests to start this scandal – no

matter how, we shall consider it necessary in ours to

dissociate ourselves completely from one who so

recklessly disregards the unwritten code.

(i) Where are the speakers at present? What is referred to as Social Blackmail?

(ii) Who is Canynge? What scandal is being referred to? Why will it be a scandal?

(iii) Which race does De Levis mention later? What is his opinion about society?

(iv) What does Canynge do soon after and what does he find? What was his reaction? What does the discovery prove?

(v) What is De Levis going through at this point of time? What light does it throw upon his character? What change do we see in his character later in the play? Give a reason to justify your answer?



  • In De Levis’ bedroom [room] /at Meldon Court.
  • Social Blackmailing–when De Levis accuses Dancy of stealing the money, Canynge says De Levis will be ostracized by the aristrocratic circles/ De Levis will lose memberships from all the clubs that he is member of./ he will be avoided by people in society/ he will not become a member of another club


  • General in the army, interested in horse-racing/ ex-army man/ a good friend of Windsor/ influential member of the jockey club
  • Dancy being accused / by De Levis of stealing the money
  • Dancy has been a Defence officer in the army and a gentleman/ filing a case of theft against him at a respectable country house of Winsor will create a scandal./ Dancy’s reputation will be ruined/ Windsor’s reputation was at stake.


  • The race of Jews
  • Society can’t add injury to insult and have my money as well/De Levis does not care for society/ he doesn’t approve of society as it condemns him for being a Jew / he thinks society tolerates him only for his money.


  • Canynge puts his hand on Dancy’s arm OR finds Dancy’s coat wet / Dancy’s sleeve was damp.
  • surprised/ shocked/ he does not react/ he puts his hands up to his face.
  • the discovery proves that Dancy was out in the rain when the theft took place/ he was not in the hall writing letters./ Dancy could be the thief/ Dancy could have been out of doors/ Dancy had been lying about being out of doors.


  • upset/ faces class prejudice that exists in English society [racial discrimination]/ faces insults./ feels Christians are against him
  • bold to face the insults/ demands justice/ patient/ sensitive / proud/ vengeful/ not ready to forgive
  • large-hearted/ generous/ charitable/ kind/ helpful
  • personal response .[He warns Dancy that a warrant has been issued, / he was not responsible for it/ he does not want his money/ asks money to be given to a charity.]

Question 4: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

DE LEVIS. Confront me with Dancy and give me fair play.

WINSOR. [Aside to CANYNGE] Is it fair to Dancy not to let him know?

CANYNGE. Our duty is to the Club now, Winsor. We must have this cleared up.

[COLFORD comes in, followed by BORRING and DANCY.]

ST ERTH. Captain Dancy, a serious accusation has been made against you by this gentleman in the presence of several members of the Club.

DANCY. What is it?

ST ERTH. That you robbed him of that money at Winsor’s.

DANCY. [Hard and tense] Indeed! On what grounds is he good enough to say that?

(i) How does De Levis respond to Dancy’s last question in the extract?

(ii) How did Dancy wish to settle the matter? What was St Erth’s suggestion?

(iii) Why did Dancy’s friends wish him to take legal action against De Levis? What reasons did Dancy give for not wanting to do so?

(iv) When Mabel Dancy later requests De Levis to withdraw the charge, how does he respond? What declaration does Dancy wish De Levis to sign?

(v) What information does Gilman give to Twisden? Why did Twisden decide to

withdraw from the case?


(i) Dancy had given the filly to De Levis because he could not afford to keep her./ Dancy has regretted his decision ever since./ Dancy was well aware that De Levis had sold the horse to Kentman and was paid cash for it, yet he denied knowing this./ He was in the next room./ He can jump like a cat./ De Levis found some creepers that had been crushed on his balcony./ When De Levis went to the bath Dancy’s door was open, and when he came back it was shut.


  • Dancy wished to settle the matter with his weapons / when and where De Levis liked.
  • St. Erth suggests that they should take the matter to the Courts[file a case, take legal action] / Dancy should take legal action.


  • The matter could not be settled with weapons / Legal action will help Dancy clear his name./ It concerns the honour of the club. / The accusation was heard by many members of the club./ Unless he takes action, people will believe that Dancy is a thief.
  • It was impossible for Dancy to prove that he was in the hall writing letters all the time. It is a very expensive business./ Dancy does not have the money / Dancy considers the accusation beneath contempt.


  • De Levis refuses./ He says he is not a gentleman—only a damned Jew./ Earlier he might have withdrawn the charge./ But now his race has been insulted.
  • “I apologise to Captain Dancy for the reckless and monstrous charge I made against him, and I retract every word of it.’


  • Gilman had received a fifty pound note from a customer./ It was one of the stolen notes./ It was brought by an Italian wine salesman named Ricardos./ Gilman went to see Ricardos. / Gilman told Ricardos that it was a stolen note./ Ricardos was taken aback./ he had wasted time in coming to the office/ He had brought Ricardos with him.
  • Twisden decided to withdraw from the case when Dancy’s guilt was confirmed [found out Dancy was a thief]./ He felt it was his duty to his profession / It’s breaking faith / professional honour comes first./ it was against his professional ethics/ cannot keep Sir Frederick in the dark.

Question 5: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

‘Tell me not in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.’

(A Psalm of Life – H. W. Longfellow)

(i) Explain- ‘Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!’

What should not be considered the goal of life?

(ii) What is the beating of the heart compared to? How is the heart described? What does the beating of the heart remind us of?

(iii) What does the poet mean when he compares the world to a battle field? What should our role be in this battle?

(iv) How should we view the past and the future? What advice does the poet give in this context?

(v) What do we learn from the lives of great men? What is the final message of the poem? Give one reason why the poem appeals to you.



  • The poet doesn’t wish to be told in sad [sorrowful]verses (songs,tones,tunes) / that life is meaningless (an illusion/unreal / false promise/insignificant, worthless)
  • The grave is not the goal/ we are not on earth just to keep an appointment with death [to die] /not enjoyment/not sorrow/real and earnest.


  • The beating of the heart is compared to the sound of muffled drums / drums whose sounds have been softened./funeral march
  • Stout/brave/strong / bold / unafraid of harm and danger.
  • The heart seems to be beating a funeral march / to the grave[death]/ the beating of the heart is like a dirge / funeral song reminding us that we are marching to the grave [fast approaching death]/time on earth is limited/we should not lose courage/ continue to work to achieve our goals.


  • Life is full of struggles/ we have to fight battles/ face difficulties/fight with troubles to overcome them. /we are like soldiers / life is like a bivouac [army encampment, tents for troops]/we have to fight for survival.
  • We should not be like dumb, driven cattle (submissive; timid; meek; spiritless like cattle / people that go by blind faith and not by reason.)
  • We should strive to be heroes / great men.


  • Let the dead past bury its dead (the sorrows of the past should be forgotten)/ one should not worry about the past / forget the past.
  • Trust no future (not to rely on the future)/ future is uncertain[unpredictable] / Our dreams may not materialize.
  • We must act in the present/ live in the present/ heart within (act with courage)/ and trust in God / trust in one’s own heart / have faith in one’s own abilities.


  • We must learn how to make our lives sublime (noble/great) / leave footprints on the sands of time (leave behind achievements, noble deeds which will show the way to others) /set examples for others to follow.
  • We should not be idle/ be active/ be prepared for success or failure (any fate)/aim to achieve / pursue goals [still achieving, still pursuing]/ learn to labour/ and wait or have patience. [wait patiently for the reward]

Question 6: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high

Where knowledge is free

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments

By narrow domestic walls.

(Where the Mind is Without Fear: Rabindranath Tagore)

(i) To whom is the poet praying? Whose mind is the poet referring to in the beginning of the poem? Why?

(ii) In which situation is the head held high? What does he mean by ‘knowledge is free’? What are ‘narrow domestic walls’?

(iii) What does the poet mean by ‘tireless striving’? What does ‘clear stream’ refer to? Explain.

(iv) What is meant by ‘dead habit’? What is ‘dead habit’ compared to and why?

(v) What does the poet wish for at the end of the poem? What does the poem tell the readers about the poet? Give a reason to justify your answer.



  • Almighty/ God/ Universal father/ Heavenly Father
  • His countrymen/all Indians/ mankind/ all people
  • India was under the subjugation of the British rule/ robbed of its pride and dignity/ a slave/ wanted to see his country free/ urge political and intellectual freedom of the mind. /where the mind is without fear[free]/ and the head is held high.


  • In self-respect/ pride / ideal environment in his country/ when one lives without any fear of oppression/ lives in a free nation/confidence
  • Knowledge without any restrictions/ everyone has access to quality education/ education irrespective of caste, creed, religion/ education not the monopoly of the rich, or elite, or aristocratic/ right to education for the poor.
  • Petty divisions on the basis of caste/ creed/ religion/ class/ language/ region/ colour / superstitions /prejudices


  • Trying hard without getting tired, exhausted/ continuous effort to achieve perfection/working hard/ persistent.
  • Reason is compared to a clear stream/ clear stream of thought/ clarity of thoughts/scientific temper/ logical and rational/ intellect that is sharp and clear./progressive thoughts
  • Metaphor/ no belief in narrow superstitions/ uninterrupted by obstructions of narrow thinking/ clear stream of thought /reason is like a clear stream which should not get lost in the dreary desert sand of dead habits.

(iv) Old outdated, traditions, superstitions, orthodox customs/ dreary desert sand / does not help man to progress / stagnates the course of judgement/our reason should not be lost in old traditions / nothing grows in the desert/no progress/ unproductive.


  • He wants his nation to be awakened in a state where they achieve the truth and strive towards Perfection/ to a heaven of freedom/ countrymen to be led forward by ever widening thought and action/ He wants India to be awakened / to an ideal state where the mind is fearless /and hold his head high.
  • Patriotic/ loved his country/ global citizen/religious and spiritual bent of mind/ sense of duty for his nation/ broad minded/ rational way of thinking/ farsighted/ wants to see India soaring high /rational way of thinking.

Question 7: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

“He was not accustomed to facing the entire class and speaking out

aloud. He knew that he did not have a flair for making speeches.

However, he had worked hard on his assignment and had written

it from the depth of his heart.”

(India’s Heroes- Anonymous)

(i) Who was ‘he’? What evidence is there that he was not used to facing the entire class?

(ii) What was the assignment? How was ‘his’ assignment different from the others?

(iii) Who was the first person to feature in ‘his’ assignment? What did ‘he’ say about him?

(iv) Who was the General Manager of the Taj Hotel? What role did he play?

(v) What, according to this speaker, is the only true religion in the world? What human qualities have been highlighted through ‘his’ speech?



  • He’ was Kabeer. /Kabir
  • His hands shook/beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead / He was not a not accustomed speaking out aloud / He did not have a flair for making speeches.


  • The assignment was about a speech on what the students would like to be when they grow up/to write about/ about what the students would like to be etc
  • Kabeer’s assignment was different from the others as it did not focus on any one person / profession / quality / It was a blend of traits /and people from different spheres of life / people who had moved Kabeer’s spirit [a description of his speech]/others spoke about actors, sport stars, politicians/ unsung heroes


  • Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan
  • He was a 31 year old National Security Commando/he laid down his life fighting the terrorists in Mumbai in [ November 2008]/ he had decided to join the army at the age of eight when he was in class three. On 27th November, he was deployed to clear Hotel Taj of terrorists. In a fierce encounter, Major Sandeep lost his life. he knew his life was in danger/ he chased the terrorists/ told the team-don’t come up, I’ll handle them/ he followed the terrorists who had escaped/he was hit by their bullets/ saved Gajendra Singh


  • Karambir Singh Kang
  • He evacuated the guests safely from the hotel /His wife and children died of suffocation, being trapped in a room on fire /He did not abandon his responsibilities on hearing about their deaths /He is still at the Taj, helping to restore the heritage structure.


  • The only true religion in the world is love and respect for all human beings./equality/ humanity/brotherhood.
  • Courage / fearlessness / selflessness / caring for others/spirit of self-sacrifice / patriotism / sense of duty/help others/tolerance/ noblility/ loyalty/ kindness/ love

Question 8: Describe the first meeting and the last meeting between the Kabuliwala and Mini. What realization dawns upon the Kabuliwala after the last meeting with Mini.


First Meeting: Mini calling, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala’ /Narrator busy at his work/A tall shabbily

dressed Afghan vendor ,a bag over his shoulder and a few boxes of dry grapes in his hand was passing through the street/when he approached the house, Mini had a childish fear that if someone looked through the bag, several living children like herself would be found in there/ Kabuliwala stepped into the compound and stood at the door with a smile/To dispel Mini’s unfounded fear, the narrator called her from inside the house. She came and stood nervously, pressing against her father’s legs, looking suspiciously at the Kabuliwala and his bag. The Kabuliwala took out some raisins and apricots and gave it to Mini, but she refused to take them and remained pressed against her father’s knees.

Last Meeting:

Mini’s wedding day/Preparations going on in the house/Mini came out from the inner quarters in her bridal dress and stood before the Kabuliwala /He became confused; their good-natured humour of old also didn’t work out /with a smile he asked, ‘Girl. are you going to the in-law’s house?’ / Mini now understood the what ‘in-law’ meant. So, she couldn’t answer the way she did in the past/her face became purple in shame and she abruptly left.

This brought back to the narrator’s mind, the memories of their first meeting and he felt an ache in his heart./ he slouched on the floor with a long, deep sigh/he realized that his own daughter must have grown up as well/ he would have to get to know her all over again/he was not even sure what might have happened to her in the past eight years/while the wedding music played in the background, Rahmat was there on the floor of the narrator’s house/ he continued to envision the images of the arid, hilly terrains of Afghanistan.

He realizes the fact that a long time has passed since he left home and he must get back to his daughter as soon as possible.

Question 9: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in

their work, they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that

everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of

their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle thieving

human beings.

Throughout the spring and summer they worked a sixty-hour week, and in


(i) What did Napoleon announce in August?

(ii) How much time had elapsed since the constitution of the Animal Farm? As summer wore on, what unforeseen shortages began to be felt?

(iii) What new policy did Napoleon make? The new policy brought a vague uneasiness among the animals. What did they recall?

(iv) Who had agreed to act as an intermediary between the Animal farm and the outside world? Describe him.

(v) What roused the pride of the animals and made them reconcile to the new arrangement? In the meanwhile, what sudden decision was taken by the pigs? What do we learn about Napoleon at this juncture?


(i) there would be work on Sunday afternoons/ work was strictly voluntary/ any animal who absented himself from work would have his rations reduced by half.


  • two years
  • need of paraffin oil/ nails/ string/ dog biscuits/ iron for the horses’ shoes


  • Animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighbouring farms for necessary materials
  • had resolved to administer the farm themselves/ they were never to have any dealings with human beings/ never to engage in trade/ never to make use of money


  • Mr. Whymper, a solicitor living in Willingdon
  • sly-looking/little man/ side whiskers/ sharp


  • sight of Napoleon on all fours, delivering orders to Whymper who stood on two legs.
  • the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse / took up their residence there
  • dominating/ clever/ has evil designs/ keeps animals on labour and himself enjoys comfort/ keeps up his individual identity as a leader.

Question 10: Boxer lives his life in patient and unquestioning service. How far is this statement true? Throw light on Boxer’s character.


Boxer, a cart-horse is an enormous beast/ nearly eighteen hands in height/ as strong as two horses put together/ universally respected for his steadiness of character/ not of first rate intelligence/ cannot get beyond the letter D/ has tremendous power to work.

The physical success of Animal Farm really rests on Boxer’s strength and persistence. His strength seemed equal to all the other animals put together. He is known for his robust and raw power. Working hard seems to be his only obsession. He never fails to attend any meeting. After the Rebellion, Boxer is admired by everybody. He works for the community. He pulls through the tremendous work of treading out corn with his astonishing muscle power. On certain days the entire work of the farm seems to rest on his mighty shoulders. From morning till night he pushes and pulls, always at the spot where the work is the hardest. He makes an arrangement with a cockerel to call him in the mornings half an hour earlier than anyone else. He has only two rules: “Napoleon is always right” and “I will work harder”. In the Battle of the Cowshed, Boxer rears up on his ‘hind legs and strikes out with his great iron’. His sorrow at the boy who lies face down in the mud provides a strong contrast to Napoleon’s cruelty later.

Boxer is brave enough to challenge the pigs but is outsmarted by Squealer, leaving his faith in Napoleon undisturbed. He is the most faithful disciple of Animalism. Despite his split hoof, Boxer

refuses to take even a day off from work. The only ambition left in him is to see the windmill well

under way before he reaches the age for retirement. He is the backbone of the farm. He is not

discouraged by the destruction of the windmill on two occasions. Finally, his illness, caused by overwork, gives the pigs their chance for revenge. He sacrificed his life for his comrades.

Question 11: Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Braithwaite,” I replied, “Ricardo Braithwaite.”

“I’m Pinkus and this is Mama Pinkus.” The introduction was effected with a filial

devotion which was good to see.

“How d’you do, Mama Pinkus.”

“I think I know some place for you.” He went to the little noticeboard and removed

a small card on which was written a short advertisement of a room to let near-by.

(i) Why was Braithwaite looking for a new place to stay? Why was he impressed by the place that was on rent?

(ii) What reception did he get when he reached the address that had been advertised? Whom did the house belong to?

(iii) Why did Mrs. Pegg come to see Braithwaite? What reply did Braithwaite give to her?

(iv) What changes occurred in Pamela’s personality after the August holiday?

(v) What comment did Potter make when Braithwaite hurt himself? What did he mean by that comment? How did Pamela react to Potter’s remark?



  • He had been late to school a number of times recently./ He had to travel a long distance by train.
  • The pavement outside the front door was scrubbed white./ the brass door knocker and the lace window curtains were very clean.


  • The door was opened by a smiling woman. When she saw Braithwaite the smile was replaced by an expression of cold withdrawal./ She said she was not letting the house. / She said she has changed her mind./ She addressed Braithwaite as a Darky.
  • She was Barbara Pegg’s mother/ A student’s mother.


  • Mrs. Pegg had been rude to Braithwaite/ Her daughter had sent her to apologise./ She offered to accept Braithwaite as a tenant
  • Braithwaite said he had changed his mind about the room / He will live where he has been./ He would speak to Barbara and explain the situation to her.

(iv) Pamela was quiet, moody, aloof / showed no wish to participate in the midday dance sessions which were once her favourite interest. / she was brooding and appeared sad/ She remained in the class room during recess/ did a lot of things for Braithwaite without being asked / She would keep his table tidy and fetch a cup to tea for him.


  • Potter pretended to be surprised and said, “Red blood’.
  • He meant that the colour is only skin deep. Everyone’s blood is red.
  • Pamela reacted with great venom in her voice/ She said, “What did you expect, fat boy? Ink?” / She was very angry / With eyes blazing she shouted at Potter, “How do you know he doesn’t mind?” / She called him daft, stupid and soft.

Question 12: Give an account of the trip to The Victoria and Albert Museum that was planned by Braithwaite for his class.


A trip to Victoria and Albert museum was planned by Braithwaite. Miss Blanchard would accompany them to keep order. The morning they were to go on the trip Braithwaite was surprised to see the children all seated and waiting. They were scrubbed, combed, brushed and shining. The girls were beautifully turned out and the boys were smartly dressed. Everyone was beaming happily.

Tich Jackson was the only student who was late. He arrived to inform them that he had to take the bagwash to the laundry and would be back soon. The class was divided in two groups for easier control. They travelled by the underground station to Kensington. There were not many seats available and Braithwaite had to stand with three girl students who were chattering about the things they were likely to see. At Cannon street two elderly well dressed women joined the train, and stood in the crowd. They stared in disapproval and made a comment about ‘shameless young girls and these black men’.

Braithwaite was annoyed and embarrassed. Pamela Dare turned to the women and said, ‘He is our teacher. Do you mind.’ She spoke loudly and the women were discomfited.

At the museum, they were divided in groups of six and seven. Each group had to note some aspect of mid Victorian dress. They were told to keep quiet and refrain from touching anything.

It was an interesting and revealing experience for Braithwaite. The students were keenly interested, asking the sort of questions which showed they had done some preparatory work. They took the whole thing seriously, sketching, making notes and discussing it in undertones.

Later they sat down for tea. The conversation centered around the exhibits they had seen. Fernman, whose parents worked in the clothing industry, showed great knowledge of the art of the Flemish weavers. He said that his grandmother still wove silk on her own handloom.

Braithwaite was very pleased with the conduct of his students. Denham and Potter elected themselves lieutenants and when it was time to go back they went from group to group assembling the class together. On the train back they were laughing and joking. They showed great respect to Braithwaite.

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