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ICSE English Language Question Paper 2012 Solved for Class 10

                                                               ICSE Paper 2012


Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately,
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all four questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
You are advised to spend not more than 35 minutes in answering Question 1 and 20 minutes in answering Question 2.

Question 1:                                                                                       [25]
(Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question.)
Write a composition (350 – 400 words) on any one of the following:
(a) Write an original short story that begins with the words : It wasn’t going to be easy she knew…. but somehow she had to confront him. She took a deep breath, and walked into the room.
(b) “Money causes more harm than good.” Express your view either for or against this statement.
(c) People play a very important role in our lives. Describe in vivid detail, any one person and show how he I she has been a very special influence in your life.
(d) Modes of Communication are continually changing. What are some of these changes? Say which one change you like best and why?
(e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.ICSE English Language Question Paper 2012 Solved for Class 10 1
(a) It wasn’t going to be easy she knew…. but somehow she had to confront him. She took a deep breadth, and walked into the room.
She came across a dark corridor and then the room started as the light came. He was sitting right in front with his back towards me. She was ignorant about why she was called but also hesitated to ask but somehow she broke the lump in her throat and called for him. He turned back towards her, well dressed as he always did but with some changes. His spectacles were now changed from a framed glass to unframed, his hair stood up straight as though they were opposing Newton’s Law of gravity. And then suddenly he took out his frameless new spectacles and put them on the table. His eyes were somewhat bulging out as though they were supported by the spring and could anytime comeout.
Again she asked him what was the matter and he said that day he was ready with all the papers and just needed her signatures for transferring the will. A chill ran down her spine and suddenly all the fear disappeared and her eyes got filled with blood, it appeared as if some were got lose in her brain and she jumped upon him with anger that how could he. How could he transfer the will without letting the deal being completed.
Actually 2 years earlier her grandparents expired and now that their property was being taken by the Government, she hired a lawyer to fight for the injustice being done as they still had their son and grandson alive. But because there was no will made by my grandfather Government showed their ownership over the land. And now her lawyer seeing no way was ready with the papers to give the property. Though he was very strict and fearful and she was also sometimes afraid of him but that day she could not understand what was wrong.
She made him somehow ready to fight more but herself she was also loosing hope. She had heard that life is like a piano we have both the white and black keys for happiness and sorrow and God distributed both the feelings equally all over the world but it appeared as he was partial with her providing her only the black keys, the sorrow with extra large amount.
But, suddenly unexpected happened.
He was holding some papers and smiling at her. She held her breath and he said, “You own twelve crores now!”
She was surprised but he told her he had received a package from her maternal uncle in Chicago with the will of her grandparents, they had left with him confidentially long ago. It was a relief overwhelming and trusting.

(b) According to Hindu myths Lakshmi comes in two ways. To somebody it comes on her ride of the owl while to others it comes without owl. When it comes with owl it makes the recipient’s mind with owl thinking, it already pollutes his way of thinking of the person gaining wealth. When it comes alone, with no riding it first upgrades the way of thinking of the person by making him think to be generous, charitable, kind hearted, beneficial, polite and humble to all. It also modifies his nature sweet, melodic, considering the pain and pity of poors, deserted dejected and old ones.
What to say of myths I never agree with the former view. When wealth comes it always does and cause all the good and no harm at all.
Money begets money and poverty brings poverty. Poverty keeps one tightly entrapped in the claws of vicious circle of poverty. One wriggles and wraggles just like a l fish out of water, to come out of poverty circle but in vain. Once, one gets the grace of gift given by Lakshmi one gets a lightning spur to hop out of the hell of poverty.
Once getting money one gets oneself in the vast sky of scopes. One is among opportunities and options to multiply money manyfold by following the path of enterprise and entrepreneurs.
It is the money that creates respect and honour for someone. If you have no money to spend on the family members, you are looked down upon by all no matter how elder or younger he is. If you have a lot of money to spend on them and to gift them with precious and costly items as the bribe you must be their most favourite brother, father, son, uncle, grand father or grand son respectively. It is the money that tames the most shrewed one. But once you have no money then poverty breeds strive and poverty is the root of all strifies.
It is the money that can raise your status in all the fields. It can make you the most active social worker. It can make you the most struggling leader, the glowing and devoted politician.
If you have money in today’s era you can get any type of vocational course without no admission test and even any degree may be obtained with money.
By spending money you can also move ministers. It would take no second to change their policy to make you crores of profit.
Thus, money may buy everything, of course most of the things.

(c) Has any body seen God? Perhaps nobody but I am very sure that I have been very close to God. Others worshipped to please him to fulfill one’s wish but he was really the God father for me who incarnated on the earth not for himself but for me and many like me.
God Vishnu has four hands to protect, Brahma has four faces to bless, Shiv has three eyes (sights) to see the miseries of people but what to say of my God father. He is not the supernatural personality but the very real man of this earth the mortal personality like that of us and among us. He has not only showered his grace on just me but also on millions and millions of dejected, disappointed baffled troubled wanderers that has become quite hopeless before.
When I think about my old life when I was just a toddler unfortunately orphaned but then adopted by my neighbour Mr. Raman Lai Sharma senior advocate civil court Agra. What a contrast, it was that on one hand he was a senior personality, on the other hand I was an innocent toddler. He gave me cordial love and deep affection in my all round personality development. He taught me in plays and games with toys and picture books and infused in me the basic knowledge of reading and writing. He trained me how to play cricket, hit shots, sixers and fours, various standards of bowling, catching and fielding etc. He also trained me in many other games like football, hockey etc.
I was always encouraged by him to do the best in my class so that I could be a responsible person.
When I became a little older he inspired me to be an efficient and talented advocate like him.
On completing graduation my friends inspired me to do preparation for law admission. I cleared and completed my law course under kind guidance of Sri Raman Lai Sharma Ji advocate.
I became proxy counsel of my honourable senior. He travelled with me and gave me the experience of various High Courts and Supreme Court of India.
Today it is his grace that I am flourishing in the practice of both civil and criminal cases.
It is true that God is on the earth the hell and heaven are all on the earth.

(d) In the decade of 80, in India the land line telephones, telegrams and postal letters were the traditional means of communication. I have quite remembered that once I needed a competition book published from Amritsar in Punjab. I gave order to the book seller in my city but in vain. Then I wrote to the publisher to send the book by V.P.P. but I got no response. I waited a lot but when it became an urgent necessity, I myself had to go to Amritsar to purchase the book. My grandfather had expired in village. At that time there was no telephone in my village or anywhere nearby that’s why 1 was unable to communicate the immediate news of the tragic death of my grandpa to my parents living in the remote area of the country.
But today we are living in the era of communication revolution. Today all traditional means of communication have become obsolete. What to say of letters or landline just talk of mobile or internet and even 3G or 4G technology and even more, wifi.
All the new and revolutionary means of communication are quite thrilling and are the choice of entire world but when it comes to my best choice, I will approve of internet. Today on internet I can open any site of any publisher, no nlatter in India or any where in the vast world. By paying through my credit card online I can take my pass word from the publisher and open immediately any book or almost all the books on my computer screen just in my study room.
I can talk face to face on screen or can operate teleconference among the people spreading in entire globe through internet. I can also do any transaction dealing in M.C.X. and stock exchange on line at home. Through internet using medical transcription I can consult with any superspecialist doctor showing my all the medical testings and reports and even all my record and thus can have his best prescription as the best care r of my health and the best value of my money.
I can open the site of any institution or coaching situated in any remote area and can get the best matter on any subject of any course. I can also do the preparation of any pre admission test through notes and old papers on net or can do any course on line at home.
On computer I can also do different transactions on line through internet. I can travel around M.C.X., I can enter into stock exchange or in any commodity dealing all at home.
Internet and multimedia is today’s lifeline. Today’s train of all activities is running on the track of internet.

(e) When we imagine of children a picture of an innocent carefree, tension free, smiling face appears in our heart. Children are the playful flowers as the creation of God. They are beloved to each and every one all over the world. They are the real image of truth and delicacy. Children are very tender by their body and very active and nimble by their mind. It is the innocence of children that makes them as holy as God.
The other side of this beautiful picture of today is quite else and otherwise.
The intense and clear study of the picture in question describes a scene of roadway hawkers, popcorn stall with a lot of packets and a heap of popcorn under the process of roasting and cooking in the frying pan with a small child waiting for customers. The most striking and appalling thing in the picture is that the stall is being run by two young children. Both the girls are looking quite innocent, poor and illiterate. These children are in great tension and pressure. They have almost forgotten how to smile. There may be others working in various factories, mills deprived of education and basic necessities.
The irony of the fact is that every year we celebrate children’s days and declare human rights’ day and declare a number of children welfare funds and that of various program. But unfortunately could not abolish child labour and improve the statuses of children. Despite different Government and non-Govemment organizations the status of girls are not quite satisfying. Due to poverty most of the children can not study or go to school. Their parents are not so active vigilant and capable to send them to school. Most of the poor parents rather prefer their children to send as child labour for earning ; money rather than sending to school. Government has opened Aaganwadi institutes for the study of poor children. The Government is also supplying food as an incentive to the school going poor children. This mid day meal is claimed to be rich in nutrient.
The Government is doing various programs for welfaring poor children but all the programmes run just on the papers and press. They are no more reaching the poor and dejected children. Despite the anti child labour act we can see immense of children as child labour anywhere.
It is still to be done a lot more to improve the status and economy of the children.

Question 2:
(Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.)
Select one of the following:                                                          [10]
(a) Many areas near your school have been affected by floods. You are President of your school social service club. Write a letter to the Mayor of your town / city telling him! her what you plan to do for the relief of the victims, Suggest ways in which you can combine with other organizations to bring about better distribution of relief items.
(b) You were taken by your school to visit a place of historical interest. Write a letter to your classmate who was unable to go on the trip telling him / her about the trip, why it was important and what you gained from the experience.

(a) XYZ
Social Service Club
Holman Institute E. Medium
Date: 2nd March 2012.
The Mayor
Agra City
Municipal Corporation
Sub : Relief Plan for flood victims.
Dear Sir/Madam,
With due regard I draw your kind attention towards complications and miseries of various areas and people. The condition of flood victims of our district is pathetic and relief measures by the Government are falling short. Being President of the Social Service Club I wish to offer services in this regard and have proposals too. On taking a trip of flood affected areas my heart has been deeply moved to see the troubles and loss of vast amount of property and numerous lives.
I have motivated all the students of my school and collected a big fund, cartoons of exhaustive medicine kits, food and clothes items.
I have talked also to various inn and school owners to permit their venues for rehabilitation of flood victims.
I have contacted some organizations like the Ron’s Club of the city, Agra Medical Club also, out of which Red Ribbon Agra is giving the team of doctors to treat against the calamities of flood victims, also free medicines and check ups will be supported by Agra Medical Club.
The Chamber of traders and industrialists is also with us to support and supervise the aid programs. Teams of NSA and Scouts are also preparing their cooperation for this cause.
Agra Tent Association is providing bed and bed sheets for flood victims.
A team of veterinary doctors is also with us to avoid the calamities of animals, birds and cattles.
I am ardently wishing your permission and support for this cause. Kindly and generously open all your municipality sources for this kindful rehabilitation project. We are available online, our ID being We look forward to your early response.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely
(Social Service Club)

(b) 18/5 Hallmark Apartment
Nalanda City
Gwalior Road,
2nd March, 2012
Dear Tillee,
You might be curious to know about our trip and I am also quite craving to tell you about this exciting trip which you unfortunately missed.
The delightful thing that I am going to tell you is that we had enjoyed very much on the picnic and had a fulfilled experience which was very enlightening too.
We were called to the school at 2.30 p.m. From school we boarded the package tours, Volvobus. We reached Delhi at 5.30 p.m. On our way to Delhi we refreshed ourselves in a Motel. We were taken straight to Raj Ghat. We paid our heartfelt tribute to our immortal and immemorable Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. We also walked and paid our flowers of homage to Honourable Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Smt. Indira Gandhi, Rajeev Gandhi, Chodhari Charan Singh and Baboo Jag Jeevan Ram. Then we went to India Gate where we paid our respect and honour to the martyrs of Indian Army. We also enjoyed boating at the India Gate and Purana Kila. We walked along Rajpath to North Block and South Block then we visited Parliament bathed over in colourful lights.
On the next day we visited Red fort, Jama Masjid, Lodi Garden, Humayun’s tomb, Qutub Minar etc.
The monuments of Delhi reminds us of the contribution of Qutubuddin Aibek, Mughals and others. It also created love and devotion in our heart for our freedom fighters.
I am keenly wishing you a quick recovery. Convey my best wishes to all your family members.
Yours affectionately

Question 3:
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
It was a dull autumn day and Jill Pole was crying behind the gym.
She was crying because they had been bullying her. This is not going to be a school story, so I shall say as little as possible about Jill’s school, which is not a pleasant subject. It was co- educational, a school for both boys and girls, what used to be called a “mixed” school; some said it was not nearly so mixed as the minds of the people who ran it. These people had the idea that boys and girls should be allowed to do what they liked. And unfortunately what ten or fifteen of the biggest boys and girls liked best was bullying the others. All sorts of things, horrid things, went on which at an ordinary school would have been found out and stopped in half a term, but at this school they weren’t. Or even if they were, the people who did them were not expelled or punished. The Head said they were interesting psychological cases and sent for them and talked to them for hours. And if you knew the right sort of things to say to the Head, the main result was that you became rather a favourite than otherwise.
That was why Jill Pole was crying on that dull autumn day on the damp little path which runs between the back of the gym and the shrubbery. And she hadn’t nearly finished her cry when a boy came round the comer of the gym whistling, with his hands in his pockets. He nearly ran into her.
“Can’t you look where you’re going?” said Jill Pole.
“All right,” said the boy, “you needen’t start—” and then he noticed her face, “I say, Jill,” he said, “what’s up?”
Jill only made faces; the sort you make when you’re trying to say something but find that if you speak you’ll start crying again.
“It’s them, I suppose—as usual,” said the boy grimly, digging his hands further into his pockets.
Jill nodded. There was no need for her to say anything, even if she could have said it. They both knew.
“Now, look here,” said the boy, “its no use…”
He meant well, but he did talk rather like someone beginning a lecture. Jill suddenly flew into a temper (which is quite a likely thing to happen if you have been interrupted in a cry).
“Oh, go away and mind your own business,” she said. “Nobody asked you to come barging in, did they? And you’re a nice person to start telling us what we all ought to do, aren’t you? I suppose you mean we ought to spend all our time sucking up to them, and currying favour, and dancing attendance on them like you do.”
“Oh, Lord!” said the boy, sitting down on the grassy bank at the edge of the shrubbery and very quickly getting up again because the grass was soaking wet. His name unfortunately was Eustace Scrubb, but he wasn’t a bad sort.
“Jill!” he said. “Is that fair?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care,” sobbed Jill.
Eustace saw that she wasn’t quite herself yet and very sensibly offered her a peppermint. He had one too. Presently Jill began to see things in a clearer light.
“I’m sorry, Eustace” she said presently.

(a) Give the meaning of each of the following words as used in the passage.
One word answers or short phrases will be accepted.                       [3]

  1. bullying (line 2)
  2. expelled (line 10)
  3. barging (line 32)

(b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words:

  1. Why was Jill crying? [2]
  2. Why do you think she was crying behind the gym? [2]
  3. Who is the ‘Them’ referred to in line 23? [2]
  4. Why did Jill fly into a temper? [2]
  5. Which sentences tell us that both Jill and Eustace Scrubb had suffered similarly? [2]
  6. When did Jill begin to see things differently? [2]

(i) What kind of school did the children go to? Write your answer in not more than 60 words. [8]
(ii) Give a title to your summary in 3 (c). Give a reason to justify your choice. [2]


  1. bullying—To be dominant and rule over others.
  2. expelled—To drive out/to turn out
  3. barging—To interrupt and interfere suddenly


  1. Jill was crying because the big boys and girls of ten or fifteen were teasing and ruling over her.
  2. She was crying behind the gym because she had been tired and troubled due to tasking tactics of big boys and girls. She wanted to vent out her anger and not be humiliated by crying in front of others.
  3. The biggest 10 or 15 boys and girls who teased her.
  4. Because she had been interrupted and interfered without her will while she was crying and venting out her feelings.
  5. Line 33, 34
    “I suppose like you do”.
  6. When Eustace Scrubb offered her peppermint quietly without commenting she began to see things differently.


ICSE English Language Question Paper 2012 Solved for Class 10 2
(ii) Title: ‘The Notorious School’
As the big boys and girls of the school were very naughty, bossing and self-willed.

Question 4:
(a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. [4]
My guide (0) ………. (tell) me if I wanted to meet these people I would have to walk two miles.
Answer: told.
We finally (1) ……….. (reach) a village where I (2) ………… (meet) a lady whose age I (3) ………… (can) not immediately make out. My translator (4) ……….. (find) it difficult to interpret the lady’s words because her dialect was quite different. She (5) ………. (is) a dark-skinned and dark-haired lady. She must have been around seventy years old but there was no grey in her hair. She obviously could not afford to dye her hair. So what was her secret? Nobody (6) ……….. (know). It must have been a ‘secret’ common to all for not one person in that whole village (7) ………… (has) a trace of grey hair! I (8) ………. (think) about it for long time.

(b) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word:                 [4]

  1. He was touched ……….. pity when he heard the tale.
  2. There is always a demand ……….. good tailors.
  3. The mother prevented her child ………… going out in the rain.
  4. The baby crawled …………. the table and hid there.
  5. Once upon a time the great king ruled ………… all these villages and towns.
  6. She is the smarter ………. the two.
  7. Sheila insists ……….. wearing that dress, although her mother thinks it is too short for her.
  8. The teacher complained ………… him when she met his mother in the market.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. [4]

  1. He lived in the city for many years. He could not find his way out.
  2. She complained that her brother did not know anything. Her brother claimed he knew everything.
  3. The coffee isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake.
  4. I finished my homework. I switched on the TV.

(d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8]

  1. My mother left a month ago.
    (Begin : It has…………)
  2. Anil was wrong to lose his temper.
    (Begin : Anil ought…………)
  3. As soon as the Chief Guest had seated himself the play began.
    (Begin : No sooner…………)
  4. Rajiv said to Arjun, “Is this the book you were reading yesterday?”
    (Begin : Rajiv asked Arjun if…………)
  5. Only a foolish person would be taken in by this trick.
    (Begin : None………..)
  6. Everybody has heard of Gandhiji.
    (Begin : Who…………?)
  7. He will issue the cheque only when he hears from the head office.
    (Begin : On……….)
  8. Father will send you a message if his flight is cancelled.
    (Begin : Should……….)


  1. reached
  2. met
  3. could
  4. found
  5. was
  6. knew
  7. had
  8. thought


  1. with
  2. for
  3. from
  4. under
  5. over
  6. of
  7. on
  8. against


  1. Despite living in the city for many years, he could not find his way out.
  2. She complained that her brother did not know anything, however her brother claimed he knew everything.
  3. The coffee isn’t strong enough to keep us awake.
  4. Having finished my home work I switched on the T.V.


  1. It has been a month since my mother left.
  2. Anil ought not to lose his temper.
  3. No sooner had the chief guest seated himself them the play began.
  4. Rajiv asked Arjun that that was the book he had been reading the previous day.
  5. None but a foolish person would be taken in by this trick.
  6. Who has not heard of Gandhiji?
  7. On hearing from the head office only, he will issue the cheque.
  8. Should father’s flight be cancelled, he will send you a message.

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